April 27, 2020
Home Town Fence: Thank you for your generous donation!
From all of us at HomeAid Colorado, thank you for supporting our neighbors in need. Your generous contribution of 2,625 diapers valued at $683.00, will have an immediate impact within our community.
Even prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, 1 in 3 families struggled to provide their children with the needed amount of diapers, which means that children are sitting in unclean diapers for extended periods of time, placing them at a higher risk for infection and diaper rash. With the healthcare system already burdened by COVID-19 infections, we must take preventative measures to avoid unnecessary hospital and emergency room visits. As the entire country faces extraordinarily stressful conditions, we should not let exacerbated diaper need increase the toxic levels of stress these families with young children are experiencing during this crisis.
To address the diaper shortage, HomeAid is collaborating exclusively with the local diaper banks to distribute supplies between now and the Builders for Babies event. From there, donations will be distributed to dozens of additional nonprofit partners throughout the state. As of today, more than 222,525 diapers have been donated-helping thousands of families in need. Thank you for being part of the solution and helping our community during these difficult times.
Because of your generosity and caring spirit, we can ensure babies are safe, healthy and thriving; and together, we can eliminate diaper need within our community. You are changing lives and restoring hope to those who need it most. Thank you for your compassion and support!
With Gratitude,
Sandi Rae Rhynard
Director, Events & Outreach
HomeAid Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization tax ID #84-1515242. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.